Jake Thiessen, PhD
Dr. Jake Thiessen is a former Professor, Associate Dean, and current Professor Emeritus at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto (UofT). Following 31 years at the UofT, he spent 7 years at the University of Waterloo (UW). His UofT fiduciary leadership included membership in the Governing Council and Business Board. Furthermore, he was responsible for the cost-effective design and construction of the new $75 million UofT Leslie Dan Pharmacy facility. Thereafter he was recruited by UW to plan and develop a new Health Sciences Campus and Canada’s 10th School of Pharmacy. This included the cost-contained construction of a new $35 million Health Sciences Campus in downtown Kitchener. His academic research has required meticulous budgeting of $16.5 million in federally funded projects. His non-academic leadership has included value-centered management within the DQTC of the Ontario Ministry of Health, and Health Canada’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology. Finally, he has been a member of the Company’s Board of Directors and Audit Committee since 2009 with responsibility to oversee the preparation, auditing, analyzing and evaluation of the Company’s quarterly and annual financial statements. Throughout his academic and non-academic career, Dr. Thiessen has exhibited an advanced understanding of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting and accounting principles.